[geeks] storageworks

Eric Dittman dittman at dittman.net
Mon Oct 28 15:33:15 CST 2002

> >>    Hey folks.  I need a 5.25" storageworks DLT drive canister...does
> >> anyone have a spare one that they'd be willing to make a deal for?
> >
> > Those are like gold.
>    Yeah...and the little flexible connector strip in mine just tore.

BTDT, cursed the replacement cost as being way too high.

I have a "universal" SBB connector, but the DLT drive is too
big to allow me to use it as the cable is just too thick, so
I installed a different type of drive.  There just isn't
enough room for anything but the flexistrip cable.
Eric Dittman
dittman at dittman.net
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