[geeks] Ping...

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 29 20:37:49 CST 2002

Sorry for the prior mis-mailing...

--- Mike Hebel <nimitz at speakeasy.net> wrote:
> Kurt Huhn wrote:

> Still it would be a nice pipe-dream to see them get a taste of living
> hand-to-mouth like some of us.  I think that if they have a salary
> over 60k someone should divert their excess wealth directly to needy
> people without the intervention of existing agencies.  I'm not
> advocating communism or anything but to me they are as disgusting
> as atheletic or popular movie star salaries.  And most of them
> climbed up the backs of people like us.

Uhm, when you distribute wealth based on little more than an arbitrary
amount/limit/threshold - what would you call it?

How can you equate salaries over $60K with "movie star salaries"? Where
I live (notheast US) $60K is not that rare a salary, esp. in IT.

> Time to rustle up a Geeks union...hmm...does that resolve?  Nope. 
> Somebody, (I don't have the cash), should buy all the Geekunion
> domains and set something up.  It's about high time our (large) part
> of the professional poulation was recognized as something other than
> wage-slaves.

Most "geeks" I know do quite well, have nice benefits, and some even
enjoy their jobs. What would a union offer a "geek" (taken to mean a
college educated, or equiv. exp. professional) other than an additional
deduction from their paycheck?

Sorry, I'll get off the soap box now... Next!


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