[geeks] Ping...

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 29 21:03:00 CST 2002

--- Andrew Weiss <ajwdsp at cloud9.net> wrote:
> I think I'd start at people who make more than 200K by themselves a
> year...

Hmm... Guess who thinks he will never make more than $200K/year ;^)

> and people who make over a mil a year should be hit even
> harder.

Why - do they demand more police service? Generate more actual garbage?
Need cleaner rods after the snow falls?

I prefer a simple "head" tax, as in "so much per head", since local
government provides services without regard to amount of taxes paid.

> My solution is a flat tax with no ability to deduct or
> skip out of paying taxes (especially for corporations).

Every highly-paid person I know was in favor of a flat tax. As one
presidential candidate proposed it, I think everyone that made under 
$35K paid no taxes, after that it was a flat amount of income (10-15%).

> Better
> yet... let the IRS compute the tax and nobody has to file because
> they took the right amount the first time.

The IRS will compute your tax liability for you, if you like - take a
look at the paperwork... The challenge becomes making sure all income
is properly reported.

The fairest taxes (IMHO) are consumption taxes. The worst thing that
ever happened was the decision to do "payroll deductions", so that
taxes are "invisible". If people actually had to write checks out of
their bank accounts to cover their state & federal taxes, they would
learn to demand better of their government...

Also, what governement are you thinking of when you say "took the right
amount the first time"?



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