[geeks] Ping...

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 29 21:19:27 CST 2002

--- Joshua D Boyd <jdboyd at cs.millersville.edu> wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 29, 2002 at 06:50:02PM -0800, Lionel Peterson wrote:
> > Last I heard he was teaching computers to elementary-age school
> > children. Whether that counts as employed depends on various
> criteria,
> > but I guess he does get paid...
> Yes, and the Mayor of New York gets paid.  $1 per year.  

Heh - I bet the teachers union *requires* that he get a full union

The current Mayor of NYC may only make $1, but I think that was a
campaign promise (so folks wouldn't think he took the job for the

The most interesting thing Pay-wise I've seen is the federal pay scale,
which, as I understand it, requires that all federal employees make
less than the President, which makes between $200-250K/year. No federal
employee can make more than that.

Our Prior president needed the paycheck, since his previous job only
paid $35K/yr, but then again, his wife was a "wizard" w/r/t



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