[geeks] Ping...

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 30 06:17:25 CST 2002

--- David Cantrell <david at cantrell.org.uk> wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 29, 2002 at 06:37:49PM -0800, Lionel Peterson wrote:
> Lots of stuff.  Legal advice when $employer fucks you over.  The
> possibility of collective bargaining (which can get you a *lot*
> more than individual bargaining can, when used at the right time).
> And so on.

Well, the point was the original poster wanted to also heavily tax
high-income earners, so whay would I want to make more - so I could pay
ever higher taxes? ;^)
> Just because you've got an education and see yourself as being a
> professional doesn't mean that your employers will treat you with
> the respect you deserve.

No, I earn the respect of my employer for the unique work I do for
them, the real service the unions offer for (what we in the US refer to
as) blue collar workers is that the worker gets treated better than
their otherwise would, since the work they do is a commodity...

I value what unions offer others, but just don't see how it applies to
me. I have a friend that was a state employee in PA - he was in the
union (becuase he had to be), but the union barred him from voting,
since he was "management". It was very hard for him to see what the
union did for his tithe to them.



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