[geeks] Linux 2.5

Dave McGuire mcguire at neurotica.com
Thu Oct 31 20:03:12 CST 2002

On Thursday, October 31, 2002, at 11:08 AM, Joshua D Boyd wrote:
> But in this day and age, it is difficult to make a living without x86.


> I mean, look at Dave M.  He has even hah to break down on occasion and
> use Windows.  Until things change more, I expect I'll probably feel the
> need to keep a PC running linux and perhaps Windows in VMWare local for
> testing things if I have much hope of being able to make them for sale.

   I could easily do without it.  It just so happens, though, that the 
PCB FAB house that I really, really like requires you to use their 
layout software, which is winblows-only.  Their service and pricing 
justify having a copy of VirtualPC on my MacOS-X machine that only 
exists to run that program.

   There is *zero* justification for saying someone cannot work without 
Windows.  Whine about this program or that program...it's not like 
Windows is the only (or even the first) OS for which software 
implementing a particular piece of functionality is written.  To listen 
to some people talk, you'd believe there WAS no productive computing 
before Windows came bumbling along and became accidentally prolific.

   Christ, it's the software version of George Dubya Bush.  "Duhhhh, 
which way did he go?  Oh wow, I'm the President now!  Thanks Bro!"


Dave McGuire                  "Mmmm, big."
St. Petersburg, FL                -Den

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