[geeks] Re: True64 UNIX

Kevin kevin at pipeline.com
Wed Apr 16 01:31:48 CDT 2003

This may be the case.  More probable for True64, as
OpenVMS is only $30 for the media kit, shipped and all.
 The license for OpenVMS, as long as you are an
Encompus (SP) or DECUS member, is free.


On Fri, 18 Apr 2003 17:08:45 +1200
Gavin Hubbard <ghub005 at xtra.co.nz> wrote:

> >never mind, found the answer
> >
> >http://h30097.www3.hp.com/noncommercial-unix/
> >
> >should have googled first
> >
> >$99 is kind of steep for a hobbyist thing.... guess
> >i should just be happy it's available at all
> >
> >/KRM
> I'm speculating, but I think you'll find that HPaq
> has to pay 3rd party licensing fees for every copy of
> Tru64 or OpenVMS that gets shipped out the door. The
> $99 price on the non-commercial package is just a
> nominal fee to reduce unnecessary distribution and to
> cover the costs of runing the non-commercial program.
> I've been told by someone (who I trust) that 3rd
> party code licensing issues are the reason why SGI
> doesn't have a non-commercial licensing program in
> place for IRIX.
> Regards,
> Gavin
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