[geeks] True64 UNIX

Charles Shannon Hendrix shannon at widomaker.com
Fri Apr 18 19:05:51 CDT 2003

On Fri, Apr 18, 2003 at 09:14:39AM +0200, Jochen Kunz wrote:
> On 2003.04.15 15:21 Kevin wrote:
> > $99 is kind of steep for a hobbyist thing.... guess i
> > should just be happy it's available at all
> Well. You get a set of media and a very nice UNIX with very interresting
> features (AdvFS, Clusters, ...) that can Roll Big Rocks (C) (R) (TM).

Does it include SMP too?

I hate the Solaris SMP restrictions, as its not hard to find a 4,8 or
more CPU machine pretty cheap these days.

Of cours, if the software works, I'll fudge on the license.  I doubt
they care about what I do with it at home.

UNIX/Perl/C/Pizza____________________s h a n n o n at wido !SPAM maker.com

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