[geeks] Metaframe [WAS] Bad practice in the Win/X86 world

David Selders david at malleable.org
Mon Apr 21 14:38:21 CDT 2003

On Mon, Apr 21, 2003 at 12:56:41PM -0400, Andrew Weiss wrote:
> ICA.
> Metaframe kicks ass... TS sucks ass.  TS is RDP only which means up 
> until recently only Windows clients... There is now an RDP client for 
> OS X.  There is an ICA client for just about every OS made... There's a 
> native client for many and a Java client for any that don't yet have a 
> native client.

There is also a RDP client for linux, rdesktop.  I haven't used it much, but
it does work fairly well from my laptop running Gentoo linux.

David Selders
david at malleable.org
Martinez, Ca

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