[geeks] hard drive mounting in the SGI Fuels

Kevin kevin at mpcf.com
Fri Apr 25 06:40:33 CDT 2003

Hash: SHA1

Yes the slope downward slightly, at least according to the
diagram in the PDF docs.  I was also not aware that the Fuel
only supports one processor.  Both of these were a bit odd to
me.  I figured the Fuel to the Octanes successor but if it
doesn't do SMP that is unlikely.  Besides the have Octane2 now


On Fri, 25 Apr 2003 23:00:00 +0100
Rob Fielding <rob at dsvr.net> wrote:

> Kevin wrote:
> >I was looking through the documentation for the Fuel the
> >other day (just curious) and noticed that hard drives 1 and
> >2 are mounted at an angle, kind of sloping and hard rive 3
> >is mounted flat.  Anyone know why they would do this? 
> >Seems odd to me to go out of your way to have two drives
> >mounted "oddly" and then have a third mounted in a normal
> >fashion.
> >  
> >
> You mean the way they slope down. That is weird. Perhaps
> something to do with air flow seeing the air intakes just
> behind.
> Anyone own one that rates it as a machine ? I've seen very
> little info from real world users about them. Are they even
> selling well?_______________________________________________
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