[geeks] Re: NEC FE1250 on SGI

roosmcd at dds.nl roosmcd at dds.nl
Wed Aug 6 15:49:38 CDT 2003


> Anyone had success getting an NEC FE1250 to work with an SGI.
> I haven't found a SOG specification for SGI boxen.


> I've tried an Indy 24bit newport and an High Impact I2 (didn't try
> very hard with the I2 and never let it get past PROM because I didn't
> put a keyb/mouse in it).

 You're aware that both the Indigo2 and Indy in addition to the SOG signal, 
also have standard hsync and vsync signals available at the 13w3 connector? 
Csync pin 3, hsync pin 4 and vsync pin 5. Doesn't it switch to serial output if 
you don't connect a keyboard? 


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