[geeks] OS X Software Update issues

Mike Hebel nimitz at nimitzbrood.com
Thu Aug 7 17:40:00 CDT 2003

On Thursday, August 7, 2003, at 04:21 PM, Bill Bradford wrote:

> On Thu, Aug 07, 2003 at 03:07:10PM -0500, Mike Hebel wrote:
>> Is anybody else having problems with OS X 10.2.6 and Software Update
>> behind a firewall?  It works fine outside the firewall but not behind
>> it.
>> Anybody have a port number that I need to open to make this work?
> Why would you need an *incoming* port number?  Its a client-side 
> program.
> I run a G4 w/10.2.6 behind a PIX with *no* incoming ports open from the
> outside, and it works fine..

Because both it and Windows Update do _not_ work behind the OpenBSD ipf 
setup I have here.  There's something going on and I don't know what it 
is.  Asking about the incoming port stuff was just to see if there was 
something that the software/website was looking for to operate.

Mike Hebel
Medieval Combat anyone? http://www.kingsofchaos.com/page.php?id=694655

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