[geeks] Paper Tape

Kevin kevin at mpcf.com
Wed Aug 13 12:34:22 CDT 2003

Are you referring to DVD writers hooked to a computer
or the standalone DVD record-ables, like a VCR?  I've
got a Pioneer A05 in a Firewire box and i love it. 
It's DVD-R, and RW only though, won't burn on a DVD+R. 
What info are you looking for specifically?

As for the standalone, home entertainment units, i
haven't tried one yet but will do sop within the next
60 days.  I've been eyeing them pretty hard.  The
Phillips units look nice.


On Wed, 13 Aug 2003 11:21:15 +0200
"William S." <wstan at xs4all.nl> wrote:

> Speaking of DVD's. Has anyone had any experience with
> DVD writers? I know they are a bit pricey now but
> I think eventually the prices will come down.
> It would be pretty cool to be able to record and
> store TV, movies in DVD format and share them.
> On Tue, Aug 12, 2003 at 11:16:51PM -0500, Jonathan C.
> Patschke wrote:
> > 
> > And it fits really nicely on a 4.7" DVD, too.
> > 
> -- 
> Bill
> Amsterdam, NL
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