[geeks] How to make a Tardist

Jonathan C. Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Sat Dec 20 03:25:07 CST 2003

On Wed, 3 Dec 2003 jdboyd at jdboyd.zill.net wrote:

> Does anyone here know how to properly construct SGI .tardist files?
> I've been googling and googling, and googling, and I just can't seem to
> find documentation on that.

A tardist is just a tarball of distribution files.  The gendist man page
has more information on that.  There's a GUI tool for creating
distributions called the "software packager" or some other similarly-
named thing.

Jonathan Patschke  ) "Earth works.  That's proof positive that Mother
Elgin, TX         (   Nature isn't a suit."            --Dave McGuire

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