[geeks] Swapping Sparc boxes...

Mike Hebel nimitz at nimitzbrood.com
Sat Dec 20 03:25:08 CST 2003

On Thursday, December 4, 2003, at 10:18 AM, Kurt Mosiejczuk wrote:

> On Thu, 4 Dec 2003, Mike Hebel wrote:
>> The webserver is running a fairly current version of Debian but I'm
>> still wondering if it'll have to be re-loaded if I move the drive from
>> the SS5 to the SS20.
>> Are both architectures in the Debian Sparc kernel?  What's the easiest
>> way for me to find out?
> Both are in the kernel.  I suppose it's possible you could compile one
> that wouldn't work on both, but in particular, both are the same
> kernel architecture, so that would be much harder =)

Cool.  That means that all I need now is RAM.  (I also really need a 
power supply but only if I decide to keep the Sparc 5 running in any 

> You should be fine to just move the disk.  Things that COULD bite you
> is if your SCSI chain differs.  Linux's default device names for SCSI
> devices are brain damaged.  If you have another device before the ID
> of your boot drive (or any drive you depend on) Bad Things Happen.

I don't think it'll be an issue.  The only things on the chain are the 
drive and the CD.
As long as I place the drive in the same bottom slot it should be fine.


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