[geeks] Re: [rescue] Octane R10K/175 CPU module available

Shawn Wallbridge shawn at synack-hosting.com
Sat Dec 20 03:25:14 CST 2003

On 6-Dec-03, at 9:28 PM, Dan Duncan wrote:

> I don't care for Glocks, but love my Rugers.  My 9mm Ruger (KP89DC)
> has a fairly loose-fitting slide so the accuracy isn't wonderful,
> but it shoots ANYTHING.  No jams, even with cheap reloads.  A
> friend at the range once gave me a whole box because his Glock (also
> probably a 17) kept jamming on them.  I think Glocks are pretty high
> quality weapons, but I just don't like them.  I really like a hammer
> or a safety (or both) for piece of mind.

The Ruger was nice. I just wanted to try something bigger.

The Glock on the other hand just felt like a cheap toy. Not impressed 
in any way. I would not buy one.

> Probably a Kimber 1911 clone.  Many shooters consider the 1911 to
> be the best handgun ever designed (it was designed in 1911) and
> I happen to agree with them.  What did you think of the grip
> safety?  (a spring loaded tab pressed into the grip by the webbing
> between your thumb and forefinger)  It takes NO effort on your part
> to press that in when you grip the gun for firing, but unless you're
> gripping the gun just that way, it CANNOT be fired.  How cool is that?
> -DanD

I wish I had had my camera. Hmm, Google found it...


It was a VERY nice gun, I would love to have one. The grip safety was 
pretty cool. I barely noticed it while using it.


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