[geeks] dynamic dns?

Michael Schiller schiller at agrijag.com
Sat Dec 20 03:25:48 CST 2003

On Dec 14, 2003, at 7:41 PM, Phil Stracchino wrote:

> On Mon, Dec 15, 2003 at 02:25:18AM +0200, Geoffrey S. Mendelson wrote:
>> I wasn't looking for the dynamic dns server that paid google the most
>> money, I was looking for the one that people liked the best.
> I use dyndns.org.  It Just Works.

I can second that! I've used a total of 3 differnt dynamic DNS 
services, tzo.com dynip.com and lastly dyndns.org. With the first 2 if 
you have your own domainname (as I do) they charge around $150/year for 
service. dyndns.org has (or had) a one time charge of $40 per domain 
for lifetime DNS service. I say had because since I signed on they've 
gone more commercial, so I don't know if that still applies. The first 
2 services have their own clients, both for Windows, as well as linux, 
and Solaris (why I used them), dyndns.org requires that you use a third 
party program to keep your dns up to date, and they have a page listing 
many of these.

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