[geeks] Is it back? Is verisign striking back?

Jonathan C. Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Sat Dec 20 03:25:50 CST 2003

On Mon, 15 Dec 2003, Thomas Gallaway wrote:

> So I just by accident entered a wrong url and what do I get?
> sitefinder.verisign.com ... hmmm
> The url I was going to was http://www.%c2%a0mymobilevideo.com

That's odd.  I don't.

Then again, I also run my own caching NS.

On the third hand, I didn't install any of the patches to sidestep
verisuck's garbage.

If Verisign is doing this on a root-global scale (rather than as an
"option" for people who want it), they need root authority revoked.

Jonathan Patschke  ) "Some people grow out of the petty theft of
Elgin, TX         (   childhood.  Others grow up to be CEOs and
USA                )  politicians."                    --Phorist

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