[geeks] From Slashdot... Upgrade your Cobalt Cube...

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at yahoo.com
Sat Dec 20 03:24:48 CST 2003

--- Kevin <kevin at pipeline.com> wrote:
> Wait.... scratch that, i didn't realize that they had
> external power supplies.  I hate that.

To shove a PS in the cube would probably cause heat-related issues, I
bet the Apple Cube had an external power supply as well. Also, since
this is headed for a SOHO-like environment, it will most likely go on
an unprotected power line, so making the PS a field replaceable item
seems like a good design (to me).

It also convieniently supports one international design, instead of an
auto-switching power supply that would increase cost and size/heat...

Of course, the above is MHO...


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