[geeks] wargame the requirements

Charles Shannon Hendrix shannon at widomaker.com
Sat Dec 20 03:25:01 CST 2003

Mon, 24 Nov 2003 @ 14:40 -0600, Brian Dunbar said:

> A vendor's rep just fired this back, in response to my request (via their
> help desk) as to what a particular set of Win32 services are doing on my
> network.  A minor workaround over the weekend ended up crippling the entire
> shebang and I wanted to know _why_.  He said in response
> "Trying to wargame the requirements will always get you in trouble."

Sounds like he means 'test all possibilities'.  You know, play a wargame
to see how it will work out.

Now, what that has to do with your question, I couldn't imagine.

He needs help...

UNIX/Perl/C/Pizza____________________s h a n n o n at wido !SPAM maker.com

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