[geeks] Crap! Not again...

Chris Byrne chris at chrisbyrne.com
Sat Feb 1 10:40:51 CST 2003

> -----Original Message-----
> From: geeks-bounces at sunhelp.org 
> [mailto:geeks-bounces at sunhelp.org] On Behalf Of Dave McGuire
>    Pure science?  Never turn a profit?  Bullshit.  NASA is one of the 
> most thickly bureaucratic organizations on the planet, and the 
> contractors that build their hardware (because we can't do anything 
> ourselves, right??) make an IMMENSE amount of money doing it.  Rest 
> assured that your spacecraft will be built by the lowest bidder.
>    If NASA ever pulls its head out of its ass, the best profit it can 
> turn would be getting us the fuck OFF THIS ROCK before we finish 
> destroying it.  But you can bet that won't happen now, at 
> least not in 
> our (or our childrens') lifetimes.
>    And let's not forget that more than half of all shuttle 
> launches are 
> (or at least were, this is an old statistic) classified or contain 
> classified payloads.
>          -Dave

And how about the fact that any time a private individual or small
corporation comes CLOSE to building a viable spacecraft NASA and the FAA
make sure they get shut down. 

Or the fact that every time someone comes up with a viable SSTO idea
they get shut down, and often discredited.

Or the fact that in the US it is VERY illegal for anyone other than our
government to launch something into space. It is in fact illegal to
place any manned object above 65,00000 feet without special permission. 

Our government wants to keep us out of the stars people. They've been
actively preventing further and deeper manned exploration of space since

It tseems thatvery time we get close to maling a manned trip to mars
(some NASA people were speculating on such a mission within the next 2-5
years) some major disaster happens that sets us back another ten years.

Chris Byrne

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