[geeks] Daily Dose of Unix

Michael Schiller schiller at agrijag.com
Sat Feb 1 16:49:47 CST 2003

On Friday, January 31, 2003, at 11:06 PM, Dave McGuire wrote:

>   Now you're talking about a PDP-10.  Yes, ml.ai and two others (don't 
> recall their names offhand) were running in 1987 and for quite a while 
> thereafter.  ml.ai and one of the other MIT PDP-10 systems are now in 
> Doug Humphrey's warehouse in Laurel, MD.

Speaking of ITS, a little trivia, did you know that at MIT on April 1 
the login screens of ITS & TOPS-20 were swapped on lots of the MIT 
systems? I first found out about this when I tried to login to the MIT 
eecs TOPS-20 system one day, and got the ITS login. I didn't realize 
the date until my brother pointed it out to me :)

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