[geeks] RE: Reevaluating Macintosh (was Dual Xeon vs Dual G4)

Joacim Melin listor at melin.org
Sun Feb 2 02:40:47 CST 2003

As a sr. test editor for a networking/computer magazine, I have to 

Here is two examples, one of a company trying to get their stuff into 
the press, and one of a company that's tries but not that hard since it 
isn't their core business :

a) Monday, January 2003, phone rings : Dell asks if I'm interested in 
reviewing a new NAS system.
Wednesday, January 2003, phone rings : Dell asks if I'm interested in 
reviewing a new server system.
(and this goes on and on with the other major players in the server 
market as well...)

b) Tuesday, August 2002, phone rings : Apple asks if I want to review 
the XServe.
(and this is all I've heard from them when it comes to servers...)


"What's with the 'Intel Inside' warning label anyway?"

who > joacim melin
how > joacim at melin.org
where > http://z80.org

On Sunday, Feb 2, 2003, at 09:13 Europe/Stockholm, Brian wrote:

>>    Server market share...not their core market, but you seem to have
>> omitted the "273% increase over the past year" figure.  In SERVERS.
>> Where they're not putting forth any effort.
> 273% gain, to get from irrelevant to barely noticeable, thats sorta 
> like a
> penny stock that triples but the company still isn't worth a damn.  
> Also ads
> for their server are/were in several magazines, that doesn't qualify 
> as not
> trying..
>     Brian
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