[geeks] Ultra 2 (model 1300) and Ultra 60 (300MHz)

Jonathan C. Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Sun Feb 2 15:06:52 CST 2003

On Sun, 2 Feb 2003, William S. wrote:

> I am reading through the descriptions on the Ultra 60
> and the Ultra 2. It looks like they would be basically
> the same machine if they had the 300MHz processor.

They're the same except that the U2 has 1 horizontal UPA slot and sbus
for expansion, whereas the U60 has 2 vertical UPA slots and PCI64 for
expansion.  The chassis is also slightly different, giving the U60 room
for more devices.

Jonathan Patschke  *)  "The clue phone is ringing, and it's for you."
Thorndale, TX      (*                                 --Dave McGuire

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