[geeks] Manly emotions

Michael Schiller schiller at agrijag.com
Sun Feb 2 21:30:25 CST 2003

On Sunday, February 2, 2003, at 05:37 PM, Amy wrote:
> If you wish and I understand, although the whole manly emotions thing
> would be an interesting thread (it's a pet-peeve of mine that men are 
> too
> conditioned to not say or maybe even believe in what they're feeling).

I must have grown up in a different environment than most guys. While 
my father had lots of 'buddies' and a hunting lodge, etc, he always 
included my mother. He never went off for a 'weekend with the guys' and 
left her behind. Because of this upbringing, I've always considered my 
girlfriend & myself as a team, and tried to always involve them in 
whatever I'm doing. I guess so far I've not found the right woman, as 
many of them expected me to a macho, beer drinking 'man'. It seems like 
while there are lots of women that want a sensative / emotional guy, 
there are just as many that are turned off by that type of guy. 
Personally I don't believe in hitting women, but I've had a couple of 
girlfriends who got mad at me, and thought I didn't love them, because 
I wouldn't hit them!

What's really interesting is how most women can read guys like a book, 
but to us, most women are a complete mystery!

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