[geeks] ibook or tibook?

Michael Schiller agrijag42 at mac.com
Tue Feb 4 04:46:34 CST 2003

Hi All.

I was just looking on ebay at Apple laptops, and was curious, I saw 
several systems that looked interesting, but was wondering, which would 
be a better machine, a 400mhz tibook (G4), or a 600 ibook (G3)?

When looking at Sun equipment you always run across an occasional 
somebody that thinks their stuff is gold, and prices it accordingly, 
but when looking at Mac stuff it seems like occasionally you'll find 
somebody that prices the stuff right, and that most of the other people 
have their heads up their asses when it comes to pricing! I mean there 
was an old ibook (the earlier style) that the seller wanted something 
like $1200 for! What's up with the Mac prices?

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