[geeks] Fwd: Why I HATE buying New computers

Michael Schiller schiller at agrijag.com
Wed Feb 12 11:31:51 CST 2003

> Hi All.
> Sometimes I really HATE buying a NEW computer! Here I finally decide 
> to spend some money, and buy a new iMac, I go for the top model, the 
> 800mhz 17" iMac, spend $1999 for it, and what, about a month later 
> they come out with a newer model, 1ghz iMac for $200 less than I 
> spent! Of course my machine hasn't gotten any 'worse' than it was when 
> I bought it, and it still does everything I want it to and all, but 
> really, 200 less for a faster computer?? Then if I want the newer 
> versions of their 'iapps' I have to spend an additional $50 while the 
> cheaper machine comes with them too! Why does this just not seem > right?

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