[geeks] Re: Help me convert a computer illiterate to an iMac!

Kevin kevin at mpcf.com
Mon Jan 6 22:40:58 CST 2003

Hash: SHA1

MacOS 7.5.5 on through 9.x was a horrific mess (and this was
a long time period). I had relatively few issues with 6
through 7.5.3.

NT 3.5.1 was acceptable, pretty fast and didn't crash too
often.  It would also run a number of the first
Win95 apps that came out.  Everything else after that was
slower and slower and slower and buggier and buggier.......

I do believe that WinXP, if you do a ton of work disabling a
vast number of things, is *slightly* better than Win2K.  But
neither are fit for human consumption IMHO and neither are
allowed in my home.


On Wed, 8 Jan 2003 4:10:20 +1300
Gavin Hubbard <ghub005 at xtra.co.nz> wrote:

> > On Monday, January 6, 2003, at 07:41 PM, Gavin Hubbard
> > wrote:
> > > No I'm not kidding. After looking at my mothers 
> > > experience/requirements, I decided that a locally
> > > assembled Athlon system with WinXP was the best solution
> > > for her.
> > >
> > > Apart from a minor hiccup with a cheap USB hub (the
> > > system won't shut down if it is left on!?) the system
> > > has been running like a dream for the last year.
> > 
> >    I have never heard of XP (or any release of Windows for
> >    that matter) 
> > referred to as a "dream".  A "nightmare" maybe, but never
> > a "dream".
> > 
> >        -Dave
> When I was a student I worked in a Mac based publishing
> company (System 7.5 and onwards). I've got some nightmare
> stories about Macs and their vaunted publishing apps (-:
> Windows NT/2000/XP did a nice job in bringing modern OS
> essentials like memory management and task scheduling down
> to the consumer level (the architecture of WinNT is pretty
> solid - Dave Cutler et al).
> Regards,
> Gavin
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