[geeks] 1911A1 handguns (was Re: Help me convert...)

Michael Schiller schiller at agrijag.com
Tue Jan 7 13:42:20 CST 2003

On Tuesday, January 7, 2003, at 11:00 AM, Kurt Huhn wrote:

> Not bad at all.  I paid $400 for my Springfield new.  Upgrades are 
> mostly
> Chip McCormick parts, and I've kept the springfield mainspring housing
> because it has the Integral Locking System (no need for a trigger 
> lock) and
> I have kids in the house.  I teach them well, but you can't be too
> careful...

My .45 is a military issue M1911A1 that's pretty old. It has markings 
"UNITED STATES PROPERTY" on it! I got it from my father, and he had 
gotten it setup as a carbine, with a 16" barrel and a shoulder stock 
added on. I changed the barrel for a Springfield Armory one, and 
replaced the original mainspring housing (which had dovetails machined 
into it to hold the stock) for a flat one (I have fairly small hands, 
and the normal curved housing makes the grip uncomfortable), and put 
Hogue grips on it, but that's it, and it shoots pretty good. I wouldn't 
call it a target gun by any means (I've got a pre 70's National Match 
for that) :)

> Reading up on the .400 CorBon made me want to try it.  I still haven't 
> shot
> any of that caliber, so I have no idea how it will perform.  I'm in the
> process of working up a couple of loads using .45 185gr bullets for 
> defense
> and target.  I won't reach .400 CorBon velocities, but the projectile 
> will
> be heavier - and IMO that's important in defense rounds.

I haven't read any about the CorBon .400 hopefully it's more powerful 
than the S&W .40 which is what my H&K USP Compact is chambered in. I 
love the gun, I used to have a Model 23 Glock, but once I got the USP I 
got rid of the Glock! But I wish it was in a different calibre, as the 
.40 isn't all that impressive. My daily carry piece is a Rossi M720 .44 
Spec revolver, and while like most revolvers it's only got 5 shots, I 
carry silvertips in it, and the .44 is strong enough to put down 
whoever I'm shooting at (as long as they're close, this thing isn't too 
accurate). Since moving from So Florida I haven't really felt as much 
of a need to carry a weapon, but you never know, it's better to have it 
and not need it than to need it and not have it!

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