[geeks] Octane systems (was Re: The Ideal gaming PC's? )

Gavin Hubbard ghub005 at xtra.co.nz
Wed Jan 8 23:22:19 CST 2003

At 14:53 7/01/2003 -0500, you wrote:
>Joshua D Boyd <jdboyd at cs.millersville.edu> wrote:
>> > and buy an Octane2 with an R14k processor.  By the time I need to buy
>> > the Octane2, this system will have cost me less than $30 per month
>> > factoring in processor and disk upgrades.
>> You are so lucky.
>I only recently was able to afford to do this.  8 years of part-time
>college, as well as all the credit card debt I amassed in that time, screwed
>me royally for a long time.  This past summer I finally got all that shit
>paid off, reduced my debt load to only the two trucks, and started saving
>some money each month to go toward retirement.  Retirement saving at 31? 
>You bet your ass, I hate working for other people...
>Anyhow, the bottom is beginning to fall out from under the Octane used
>market.  Direct from SGI, R12k-300Mhz systems without monitor are running
>about $2300 - less than half what they were about a month ago (IIRC).  It
>won't be long before we begin to see Octane2s from Modelmasters.com and
>reputable.com - I think XSI (xsnet.com) already has them, but at somewhat
>inflated prices.  For instance, an Octane2 R12k-400, V6 graphics, 512MB RAM,
>18GB HD costs about $7500.  As comparison, and Octane Octane SE, R12K
>300MHz, 512MB, 18GB will run you about $3000 - $700 more than direct from
>SGI.  They (XSI) do have some Octane SI, R10K 195MHz, 128MB, 4GB for less
>than $700 though.

In case anyone is in the market for a used Octane - don't forget the cheap
ex-Ford R12k machines on EBay (note: seller is in Australia so factor in
the shipping cost). AFAIK they have a large number of these systems in
stock (not just the ones being advertised).

Octane SSE, R12K 300MHz, 512MB, 9GB systems for 720USD !! 




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