[geeks] 1911A1 handguns (was Re: Help me convert...)
Michael Schiller
schiller at agrijag.com
Thu Jan 9 02:22:59 CST 2003
On Tuesday, January 7, 2003, at 05:30 PM, Kevin wrote:
> Are the H&Ks as rugged as the Glocks? I used to beat
> on my Glock like a red headed step child and it never
> had any problems. Should i expect the same from the
> H&K?
Well, my USP was sent to my father by H&K before they started selling
them in this country for him to evaluate it (the serial number is below
200!), and he's shot it a bunch during the evaluation period, and
afterward they let him (and I assume all the other evaluators) for
something like $225 or so. I've only shot maybe 200 rounds or so thru
it, but I would say that it's built every bit a well as a Glock, nicer
in many ways too. Although I must admit, as a pre-production model mine
may have been made nicer than the stock USP Compacts, and might not
have any improvements they might have made to them after the
evaluation, and before actual shipping of the model.
> BTW: i live in SoFla as well... definitely keep your
> carry weapon. As you said, you never know.
Oh, I agree with you 100%, although I did say that I moved OUT of So
FL. (and about the only way I'll return there is if my folks give me
their house, not very likely)
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