[geeks] Everyone needs one :)

Shawn Wallbridge swallbridge at franticfilms.com
Thu Jan 9 17:09:40 CST 2003

Kurt Huhn wrote:

>"Chris Byrne" <chris at chrisbyrne.com> wrote:
>>No linkage at the moment but if you check out the case modders sites
>>they sell it there. They also have it at riceboy cars sites.
>>In terms of the how to make it glow that's easy CCF's are kind of like a
>>cross between neon lights, and those cheap glow lanmps you used to buy
>>at novelty gift stores ;-) Basically they don't require a ballast or
>>high voltage transformer.
>I though it might be a CCF, but that stuff requires more power than a single
>9v battery, doesn't it?  It doesn't appear as if the insides of his sabers
>are large enough to house an invertor for CCF either.  And I would be
>concerned that a CCF would be prone to breakage - being constructed of glass
>like a flourescent bulb IIRC.
>Also, the close up at:
>doesn't appear to be a CCF.  The actual lamp is hidden, of course, but it
>seems to me that the CCFs I've handled didn't look like that.
>I had a though earlier today that it must be the 'glow wire' stuff, probably
>a dual core or heavy guage version so that it gets very bright.  You could
>frost the inside of the polycarbonate, or line it with white sheet plastic
>or paper, so that you couldn't see the wire, but still let tons of light
>through.  Invertors for that stuff is also quite small and inexpensive -
>readily available for 3, 6, 9, and 12v power sources.
>Or am I completely off base?
Someone at work has one (maybe not from teh same guy, but pretty close). 
Did you want me to see if he can bring it in for pictures?


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