[geeks] Fight with computer brings SWAT team

Chris Byrne chris at chrisbyrne.com
Fri Jan 10 19:23:12 CST 2003

> -----Original Message-----
> From: geeks-bounces at sunhelp.org 
> [mailto:geeks-bounces at sunhelp.org] On Behalf Of Michael Schiller
> I guess it's a good thing I've never been caught :) One time I was  
> fixing a PC, and it just wouldn't work, so finally (when I 
> was pretty  
> sure I had it fixed) I took out my gun, held it to the computer's  
> floppy opening, and said "Ok, that's it, if you don't work 
> this time,  
> I'll give you a good reason to never work again!" Then I put the gun  
> back in my pocket, turned on the power, and it booted up 
> wonderfully!  
> The secretary in our office was talking about that incident for years!

At an ISP I used to work for we would collect all the totally dead
machines (the ones that couldn't even be donated to chairty) and then
once a year we had a big barbecue where everyone who had donated a
computer was invited, and we would have a little "attitudea adjustment"

We put all the computer in a big pile and then went to work on them. We
had chainsaws, axes, sledgehammers, baseball bats, and of course being
Arizona more than your fair share of guns. One guy even brought a few FA
weapons for some rock and roll fun. 

I tell you we all had a much better outlook on life and computers

> Or the time a cheap VCR refused to eject a tape it had eaten, 
> I threw  
> it into the street, jumped on it a few times, then shot it 3 times.  
> Then I took it to a video rental store that had a sign "We 
> fix any VCR  
> $29.95" :) They pointed out the fine print saying that they 
> reserve the  
> right to refuse to service any VCR they feel isn't fixable :)
> -Mike

Remind me never to have car trouble near you. I can see in my head "They
shoot junkers don't they"

Chris Byrne

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