[geeks] Fight with computer brings SWAT team

Michael Schiller schiller at agrijag.com
Sat Jan 11 21:51:41 CST 2003

On Saturday, January 11, 2003, at 10:17 AM, Kurt Huhn wrote:

> I've shot my fair share, but they were sitting in a junkyard, and I was
> 16 at the time.  I haven't shot a car since then, but probably would if
> given the chance.  To test projectile penetration dynamics of course...

Well the last car I shot was one of my old cabs. At the time I had a 
partner, and together we had 12 cabs, they were all either Dodge 
Diplomats, or Chevy Caprices, except this one car we had, that was a 
different model chevy, and it had something like 400k miles on it, and 
it broke down. So My partner & I and the owner of the company our fleet 
was leased thru were sitting in the office talking about the car when 
the big boss says "You know, you guys should just shoot that car, and 
put it out of it's misery", so I'm like "That's a good idea", I get up, 
walk out into the yard, pull out my .45 and empty the clip into the 
car! Needless to say, they were both standing at the door with their 
jaws hanging down, until the police arrived, and I calmly explained 
that we had a car that had to be put down! I wish I had a camera to see 
their faces, they expected me to say something stupid like it was one 
of the cabs backfiring, or something like that! The cop just asked if I 
had a license to carry the gun, which I showed him, then he said "Have 
a nice night" and left!

I must say, my years in the taxi business didn't make me much money, 
but they sure did leave me with LOTS of stories to tell!

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