[geeks] RE: IBM tech support saga (should be getting a new

Chris Byrne chris at chrisbyrne.com
Sun Jan 12 06:45:16 CST 2003

Actually the machine was great for a year. There was only one little
part that went bad unfortunately it's the one part that screwa up every
other part on the machines (the voltage regulator), but hey. The actual
PDB/VR built into the mainboard went just a little bit off spec. Enough
to screw up ... Well pretty much everything.

The real problem has been the absolute SHIT job that their tech support
has done. Honestly I expect poor quality service in Ireland, bad service
is a way of life there, but for most of the world IBM tehcnical service
has been the best for a long time. This is the first experience I've had
with them that didn't result in excellent service. 

I am worried that it's a symptom of the general malaise over at IBM.
When Big Lou took over her really turned things on their head, but ever
since they've been drifting back to their pold selves. Like their
divisional rivalries, using budgenting and accounting tricks to shore up
bad product loines, and having up to 19 levels of management for some
actual workers positions.

Yes that's right. 19 layers of management. 

And of course theres the whole permatemp thing. Bascially they take
foreign contract workers, put them on contract with no or very little
nefits and very low pay, get them a fixed term fixed employer visa that
lasts the life of the contract, hold them hostage to that visa, trat
them as temporary workers with regards to benefits, promotions, legal
status etc... And take their tax credits for training them. 

Of course just about every big tech company does this.

Gotta love em

Chris Byrne

> -----Original Message-----
> From: geeks-bounces at sunhelp.org 
> [mailto:geeks-bounces at sunhelp.org] On Behalf Of Gavin Hubbard
> Good luck. It sounds like you got a real bum machine from 
> them. Between your machine and my X30 (with the poxy screen) 
> I hope IBM hasn't recently started turning into DELL.
> --Gavin
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