[geeks] Pizza anyone?

Andrew Weiss ajwdsp at cloud9.net
Mon Jan 13 00:21:05 CST 2003

On Sunday, January 12, 2003, at 08:09  AM, Chris Byrne wrote:

> With Tricon Global foods (the corporate parent of Pizza Hut, Taco Bell,
> KFC, Long Jpohn Silvers, and A&W, who BTW just changed their name to
> Yum! Brands (yes that's right, the largest single food service company
> in the world is now called Yum!) if you deviate a Micron fomr their
> standards or ingredients your franchise is pulled immediately. And 
> since
> they own the property and lease it to the franchisees that means your
> business is gone.
Cool maybe I can get the one in Yorktown Heights NY shut down....They 
make their Mexican pizzas wrong (i.e. use tostada shells instead of 
fried flour shells)... why... because they have no deep frier... so no 
chalupas either... it's really disappointing... why bother having a 
Taco Hell if you have no frier?... It's actually a combo Taco Bell 
Baskin Robbins thingy... I think they have Dunkin Donuts too (triple 


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