[geeks] HP's squandering

Andrew Weiss ajwdsp at cloud9.net
Mon Jan 13 00:29:25 CST 2003

I've been all over the place with HP stuff this weekend... so that's 
why I've had it on my mind lately.

I've been going through about 40 machines and doing a linked 
spreadsheet with machine info from ioscan, swinfo, etc... and tying it 
to a parts list (cut and paste in partsurfer)... so I've basically had 
an instant and all weekend long education on just about the entire bulk 
of the 9000 line.

I'm tired...but need to read e-mail.

I think the 3000's are interesting and I want to play with them too.


On Sunday, January 12, 2003, at 01:20  PM, Dave McGuire wrote:

> On Sunday, January 12, 2003, at 01:19 PM, Eric Dittman wrote:
>>>    Are they discontinuing the HP-3000?  Last I heard (which 
>>> admittedly
>>> was a while ago) it was still going strong.
>> HP has announced end-of-life for MPE.  The HP-3000 systems
>> will no longer be manufactured, but they are just HP-9000
>> derivatives.
>   Wow...There are a LOT of big HP3000s installed at banks and such.
>       -Dave
> --
> Dave McGuire           "She's a cheek pincher.  I have scars."
> St. Petersburg, FL                          -Gary Nichols
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