[geeks] Re: HP's squandering

David Cantrell david at cantrell.org.uk
Tue Jan 14 04:00:49 CST 2003

On Mon, Jan 13, 2003 at 07:17:59PM -0500, Dan Sikorski wrote:
> On Mon, 2003-01-13 at 16:53, Shawn Wallbridge wrote:
> > (they were still in early Alpha) made it impractical. We have high hopes 
> > for the Opteron (what a stupid name).
> Not as bad as Itanium. :)

I always thought that Alpha was a pretty stupid name.  It just reeks of
crappy bugware.

> My naming scheme for computers has mostly been Vehicles from TV/Movies. 

I used to use literary dragons, but ran out.  Then, when I bought
barnyard.co.uk (my network is barnyard.co.uk, *I* am cantrell.org.uk) I
decided to give them all agricultural names.  Except I couldn't be
bothered with the two Macs I bought recently, which have the oh-so-
imaginative names cube and ibook.

My main server is plough.barnyard.co.uk.  The file server is farmer-giles;
the router/NAT box/firewall is cowshed-door; the new server (which I've
been meaning to migrate stuff to from plough for a year but I'm lazy) is
poacher.  Hiding behind cowshed-door are a few cows - daisy, buttercup
and clover.

In entirely different news, I got a new phone yesterday.  My old Nokia
7110, which I bought only because it had a slidey-clunk mechanism like
in The Matrix, finally gave up the ghost, and I've replaced it with a
6310.  It has bluetooth, so no more arsing around with cables, or making
sure the ir port is lined up correctly.  And through the AWESOME POWER
of a USB-to-bluetooth dongle, it Just Works with the ibook.  Hoorah!

David Cantrell | Benevolent Dictator | http://www.cantrell.org.uk/david

         Nuke a disabled unborn gay baby whale for JESUS!

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