[geeks] foldit wants libncurses.so.4 (slackware uses *.so.5)

Kurt Huhn kurt at k-huhn.com
Fri Jan 17 17:24:53 CST 2003

"William S." <wstan at xs4all.nl> wrote:

> Yup, that worked. Thank you. It's seems to be
> running OK. By the way, do you guys run this
> remotely thru screen? I am doing that
> now with my laptop.

My workstation at work has a few eterms open to the systems I'm running
it on at the office.  Here at home I only run it on my Octane and some
PII-266 POS IBM laptop that's getting given away next monday...

Kurt                "I remember that I've got a solid base of worms and
kurt at k-huhn.com      ant eggs.  I puke like a hero all night long."
                                                      -- Tony Bourdain

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