Kurt Huhn kurt at k-huhn.com
Mon Jan 20 10:55:09 CST 2003

Michael Schiller <schiller at agrijag.com> wrote:
> I'm curious, how many of these BS emails claiming all sorts of money to 
> be smuggled out of South Africa do y'all get a week? I must get about 4 
> or 5 of these a week, and I'm wondering if I got on some 'sucker' email 
> list, or if they just spam everyone with this shit?

I used to get 4-5 a week, but I haven't seen any in a while.  I actually
heard this type of thing described by an FBI agent as "a cottage business"
in Africa.

I tried to lure a few of them into a humorous (for me) email exchange, but I
was always too late (their email account was pimp-slapped).
kurt at k-huhn.com

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