[geeks] Re: hub needed

Michael Schiller schiller at agrijag.com
Mon Jan 20 14:07:26 CST 2003

On Monday, January 20, 2003, at 03:52 PM, Rick Hamell wrote:

> 	I'm the same way. I've not had a watch in 10 years. And I'm always
> within 15 minutes.

I'm not so lucky. Not only do I need a watch so I know what time it is, 
preferably the watch will also be able to tell me the month, day, and 
day of week! I've been out of work for SO long that I can't remember 
what day it is anymore. Not to mention that my sleep habits are so bad, 
(staying up for a couple of days at a time, sometimes only staying 
awake for 6 hours, then sleeping for 18!) that often I'll refer to 
something as 'yesterday' to find out it was 3 days ago, OR just earlier 
in the current day!

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