[geeks] Watches was: hub needed

Mike Hebel nimitz at speakeasy.net
Mon Jan 20 19:54:06 CST 2003

Dan Sikorski wrote:
> I'm in the market for a new watch since i declared my last one dead
> several months ago. (i check the time on my pager currently.)  I want
> something to wear everyday, and i wear jeans and polo's to work, so
> nothing all too fancy looking. Basically, i want a solid watch for
> everyday wear.  My budget depends on if i find something i really like
> or not, but i'm also not a millionaire.

It'll probably sound quite odd but I suggest you do without.  It is far 
too easy, from my own personal experiences, to be too aware of the time 
thus causing extra stress.  I haven't worn one for a long time.  Most 
place have clocks and my Palm Vx is on my belt if I'm really hurting for 
the time.  Other than that I don't worry about it.  It helps concentrate 
on the job at hand _not_ the time. ;-)

Mike Hebel

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