[geeks] siemens nixdorf boxen

Brian bri at sonicboom.org
Wed Jan 22 17:02:17 CST 2003

hmm, it appears as tho linux-mips and netbsd's arc port both say, umm we
dont support that RM200, sorry.  boohiss mang.


On Wed, 22 Jan 2003 roosmcd at dds.nl wrote:

> >I acquired a couple of these a bit ago, and was researching OS options for
> >them.  Any of you know other options aside from NetBSD, anyone got
> >experience with em?
>  Well, what Siemens Nixdorf boxes do you have? There are several variations:
> -Primepower, sparc64 chip runs Solaris (out-of-box?)
> -RM, Mips CPU runs Sinix/Reliant Unix
> -RW, relabeled SGI stuff runs Irix (out-of-box)
> -MX, older processor (NCXXX16?!?) runs Sinix (?!?)
> -PC, X86 processor runs standard X86 OS'es and also Sinix-Z, anybody know more
>      about that or running it?
>  I'm writing this without resorting to Google, so if I'm wrong please correct
> me, but this is how I remember them. I personally have a RM-200C with Sinix
> 5.42 (anybody have a more recent version?) and know someone with a MX300 (he
> has Sinix media for those). Running Linux on RM-series is possible but not
> recommended and I think the Linux port is a couple of years out of date (and it
> only ran on the RM200 last time I looked). Never heard of Netbsd running on
> these machines. I suppose Primepower will run Linux/netbsd without problems and
> you'd better forget running netbsd if you have a MX.
>   greetings,
>    Michiel
> ps. There is a RM200 machine on Ebay.de right now, but I think that's the model
> with the EISA slots.
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