[geeks] IRIX 6.5.18m stream 'kinda'available for free download again

Caleb Shay caleb at webninja.com
Wed Jan 22 20:30:50 CST 2003

This only gets you access up to 6.5.16 (though it does include feature
now), not 6.5.18m

On Wed, 2003-01-22 at 20:29, Gavin Hubbard wrote:
> Hi Lads
> I subscribe to the list digests, so excuse me if this has already gone around the list. 
> According to the the SGI Developer newsletter:
> <<
> Announcing Developer Access to IRIX. Maintenance Release Downloads
> Current members of the SGI Global Developer Program are now entitled to
> download IRIX maintenance releases, for use on their development systems
> only.
> Entitlement means using a specific Supportfolio User ID and password
> that will provide access to downloads. This special entitlement is
> linked to the primary contact.
> To use this entitlement, the primary contact for your membership will
> first need to register on Supportfolio to establish the entitled User ID
> and password. 
> 1. Go to Supportfolio at http://support.sgi.com/ and select Sign Up
> for a free Supportfolio ID.
> 2. Enter contact information.
> 3. A message will display saying: "You have successfully created your
> Supportfolio account and registered with SGI."
> 4. The temporary passwordwill be emailed back to the supplied email
> address. 
> We recommend the primary contact log in and establish a permanent
> password and then provide the entitled userid and password to the
> appropriate personnel on the development team. 
> To download IRIX Maintenance Releases:
> 1. Go to Supportfolio at http://support.sgi.com/ and log in using the
> entitled userid/password.
> 2. Go to the Downloads section.
> 3. Enter the IRIX maintenance release level in the Search Box.
> 4. Select IRIX OS.
> 5. Click on Submit.
> 6. Select the Maintenance Release icon to download software.
> If you do not know who the primary contact for your company is and need
> to have maintenance download access, please contact us at 650-933-3033
> (worldwide) or 800-770-3033 (US & Canada.)
> _______________________________________________
> GEEKS:  http://www.sunhelp.org/mailman/listinfo/geeks
Caleb Shay <caleb at webninja.com>

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