[geeks] Octane Quake2

Dave McGuire mcguire at neurotica.com
Sat Jan 25 14:40:20 CST 2003

On Saturday, January 25, 2003, at 05:15 AM, Frank Van Damme wrote:
>> Mkay, and what do people do on sgi boxes without texturing? :-)
> Ok, this was enlightening :)
> So with a TRAM-thingy built in, could you run modern opengl apps/games 
> on
> it? I suppose yes, since SGI "invented" openGL.

   Why wouldn't there be?  We're talking about Octanes...The Octane2 is 
current hardware, and it's basically identical to the Octane with a 
higher-than-normal config.  Is there some reason one wouldn't be able 
to run modern software on current hardware?

       -Dave, in a baaaad mood today

Dave McGuire           "Wear whatever you want...Just don't be surprised
St. Petersburg, FL        if you wind up with a blow-gun dart in your
                            prosthetic boobies."    -Kurt Huhn

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