[geeks] GroupWise--

Mike Meredith mike at blackhairy.demon.co.uk
Sun Jan 26 14:21:22 CST 2003

On Sunday 26 January 2003 5:49 pm, Jonathan C. Patschke wrote:
> I just noticed this attribution line on a message I received via
> GroupWise:
>   >>> $person 01/25/03 21:03 PM >>>
> Huh?  So, that'd be 01/26/03 09:03 on a 24-hour clock?  Is it really
> so stupid that it can't grok the fact that I set my system to use a
> 24-hour clock?

Quite possibly.

Or maybe they add the redundant 'am' and 'pm' to help out those who 
haven't yet figured out 24-hour clocks.

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