[geeks] Cable vs DSL; Current state of the TV industry

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 26 20:35:43 CST 2003

--- Ross Alexander <ross at two-cats.net> wrote:
> * David L Kindred (Dave):

> >    Should I go with Cable or DSL for 'net access?
> Cable may be faster, but the cable provider in my area (@Home ->
> Comcast) doesn't have a whole lot of clue. I switched to somewhat
> slower
> DSL from a provider (Speakeasy) that has somewhat more clue, allows
> servers, and doesn't require Windows only software to access all the
> features of my account.

DSL ROX d00d!

My provider, Verizon, has a new policy of offering discounted cable/DSL
routers (and wireless Cable/DSL routers) with new activations. Service
is good, my link speed has increased (they upped their minimum rate
from 640K to 768K or better, I think), and because my account is so old
(2+ years), I have the original unlimited dial-is ISP service as

$50/mo, no complaints... I'd like a static IP address, but dyndsl.org
works for me!


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