[geeks] Octane Quake2

Joshua D. Boyd jdboyd at celestrion.celestrion.net
Tue Jan 28 15:52:37 CST 2003

On Fri, Jan 24, 2003 at 06:50:22PM -0500, Caleb Shay wrote:
> Well, I:
> Program
> Video capture/edit
> Audio capture/edit
> Model/animate stuff in Blender (without textures)
> Play bzflag with textures turned off :)
> Browse the web
> Email
> Serve mp3/ogg streams to the other computers in my house
> Act as a backup/file server
> Sync my Visor
> Do silly webcam things
> Edit photos
> etc
> etc
> There are lots of things you can do with an SGI except 3d textured crap.

With care, a good program would be able to use some texturing on a SI
minus TRAM Octane without killing performance.  I think.  You can mix
drawing modes without clearing the frame buffer, so the stuff drawn in
texture mode would be slow, but if you were carefull, you could still do
something of tolerable speed.

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