[geeks] State Contracts

Chris Byrne chris at chrisbyrne.com
Tue Jan 28 16:23:04 CST 2003

>> Wow, janitors make that much now?  Amazing.
>    OHMIGOD!  DOH!  Wipe the blood off, Chris.
>      -Dave

Huh? What? I was just over here with my mop.

I love my mop.

Life is like a mop. Sometimes life gets full of dirt and crud and
hairballs and things and you gotta clean it out. You gotta stick it in
here and rinse it off and start all over again. And sometimes life
sticks to the floor so much that a mop, a mop, it's not good enough. You
gotta get down there with like a toothbrush, you know, and you gotta
really scrub 'cause you gotta get it off! But if that doesn't work, you
can't give up! You gotta stand right up! You gotta run to a window and
say, "These floors are dirty as hell, and I'm not gonna take it any

Who wants to drink from the FIREHOSE!!!!!!!

Chris Byrne
The Eyes May Be the Windows on the Soul
But the Word is the Doorway to the Mind

P.S. I've simply accepted the fact that sometimes Bill decides I'm an
asshole worthy of bitching at. After all there has to be at least one of
us, and Jon Katz got banned. It's harmless, and I like and respect Bill
and the other people on this list. And it serves to remind me that
sometimes I can sound pretentious or whatnot.

I am long winded (or since we're typing would that be long fingered?). I
am apt to use "clever" language and hyperbole. I am a bit anal about
details and nitpicking, yet sometimes make extreme generalizations to
save time. I have an irritating tendency to try and get the last word
in. I am extremely stubborn. I repeat myself constantly. I frequently
use an extermely positive tone that is often interpreted as being pushy
or agressive though that is not it's intent. When I am not using this
"positive" tone, I am often extremely sarcastic, which can be seen as
denegrating or insulting, which is also not it's intent. I just have an
unusual sense of humor. 

I don't think I'm better than anyone else, and I'm not bragging when I
say things. I honestly don't find them remarkable, and I'm not looking
for praise. I am often proud of these things, or amused by them but I'm
not looking for validation or glory. I want to share my ideas and
thoughts and experiences, and have other people do the same. Just
because I value my thoughts and ideas very highly doesn't mean I don't
value yours, in fac't I do. I want people to share with me in the same
way I share with them.It's just the way I interact with life. I talk
about stuff. I suspect many people believe that some of what I say about
my life is bullshit. That no-one could have that fucked up a life
ETC..., but anyone who'd spent any length of time around me knows it's
true. It's weird, but it's true.  

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