[geeks] Daily Dose of Unix

Brian bri at sonicboom.org
Thu Jan 30 15:52:21 CST 2003

On Thu, 30 Jan 2003, Dave McGuire wrote:

> On Thursday, January 30, 2003, at 04:30 PM, Brian wrote:
> > Was just thinking of the demise of mips, their brief windows products,
> > and
> > now Linux products.
>    Aren't they preparing to ship the R18K?

I was referring to how MIPS used to be an SGI company and is now its own
independent entity.

>    As for their Windows products...that was a bad idea to start with,
> and they recognized it before it tanked the company.  Every other "real
> computer" company that has started making Windows boxes has
> failed...witness DEC, Data General, Unisys...
>    As for their Linux products...anyone who thinks they can make money
> selling a free operating system is a moron.
Agreeing on these points, with the possible exception of embedded linux
hardware or support services for companies that need it.

>    The development and sale of their real computers remains the same.
> >   Seems to me the company has abruptly changed
> > directions a few times and well, they're likely not going away soon
> > due to
> > their US govt work. For individial use, fine, I'd just be hesitant to
> > roll
> > em in a production environment en masse.
>    Why?  IRIX is mature, known, undergoing active development, fully
> supported, and showing no signs of doing anything otherwise.
>    IRIX's only crime, and this is only a crime from a suit's point of
> view, is that it isn't from Microsoft.
>           -Dave
> --
> Dave McGuire                 "Rubber duckies *are* important."
> St. Petersburg, FL                            -Doc Shipley
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